Episode 1

Published on:

20th Feb 2024

Building a T-Shirt Empire: Interview With Mae Cee

Welcome to the very first episode of "Girl, How'd That Happen?" – a podcast dedicated to unraveling the stories of successful women entrepreneurs. In our inaugural episode, we're joined by the incredibly inspiring Mae Cee, a serial entrepreneur who has made a significant mark in the graphic apparel industry. Join us as we dive into Mae Cee's entrepreneurial journey, her challenges, victories, and the wisdom she's eager to share with aspiring businesswomen.

Resources Mentioned:

  • Graphic Tee Academy: Where Mae Cee offers comprehensive guidance on starting and scaling a print-on-demand business.
  • Merchbymae.com
  • Mae Cee on Social Media: Follow Mae Cee on TikTok and Instagram @merchbymae for more insights into graphic apparel and entrepreneurship.

What You'll Learn:

  • Mae Cee's Entrepreneurial Beginnings: Discover how Mae Cee transitioned from a serial entrepreneur to making a splash in the online world of graphic apparel.
  • Family and Business: Learn about the unique dynamics of running a family business, including Mae Cee's collaborative ventures with her children.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Mae Cee shares her initial struggles in finding the "perfect product" and how a shift in perspective led her to success.
  • Quality vs. Customer Satisfaction: Insights into balancing product quality with customer expectations and the importance of addressing customer feedback positively.
  • Starting Over: If given a chance to start over, Mae Cee reveals the first steps she would take in re-establishing her t-shirt company.
  • The Power of a Niche Audience: Understanding the value of a smaller, engaged audience over mass appeal.
  • Print on Demand as a Low-Risk Business Model: How this approach can serve as an excellent entry point for those interested in design and entrepreneurship.
  • Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Mae Cee emphasizes starting small, learning the ropes, and gradually expanding your business vision.

Mae Cee's journey is a testament to the idea that success often lies on the other side of perseverance and adaptability. Whether you're an established business owner or someone just starting, this episode is packed with valuable lessons and encouragement to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams.

Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and check the show notes for links to Mae Cee's resources. Thank you for tuning into "Girl, How'd That Happen?" I'm rooting for you! See you next time! XO

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About the Podcast

Girl, How'd That Happen?
Welcome to "Girl, How'd That Happen?" a podcast committed to shattering glass ceilings + tearing down gate keeping so you too can finally say… "Hey, I could do that, too!"

At the heart of "Hey, How'd That Happen?" is a belief that empowered women empower women, and that often it's not a case of CAN we do it... but HOW.

So, if you're looking for inspiration, motivation, or just some good old-fashioned girl power, then tune in to "Hey, How'd That Happen?" and join us as we share stories of success AND struggle along with some practical 'how-to' as we walk this Entrepreneur journey together.

About your host

Profile picture for Ashley Braswell

Ashley Braswell